Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day! ღ

So, here I am. My own little nest in such a huge world. I hope to use this blog as an outlet for anything and everything that inspires me, that I love, that I hope for, or anything and everything in between. Hopefully it serves in helping me to grow, learn, and keep track of many wonderful memories!

So.. Happy Memorial Day everyone! Although I wish I could have spent it cruising the lake and getting my tan on (I've been on an anti-tan kick lately anyway), I had a good day resting up for the work week and grilled out for dinner. See!

Jordan's mom fixed shrimp, steak, sweet potato, and salad. Yum! I feel much better than yesterday, when I stuffed myself with junk food all. day. long. I felt like I had an excuse though, that's what 3 day weekends are for, right? But really, it's crunch time, gotta start eating better for bikini season! I've been trying to prepare somewhat of a workout routine that is not too hard, not too easy, and doesn't take too long. I'm horrible about thinking that if I can't do something exactly how I planned, I don't want to do it at all. I recently came across this quote on pinterest (if you don't have pinterest, get one NOW! you're missing out)..

Done is better than perfect. Yes, yes it is. I definitely need this tattooed to the inside of my eyelids! I also found a 30 day photo challenge that I plan on completing. Not sure if it will be 30 consecutive days, but we'll see. The first is a photo of myself, so here's me bein' cute, taken today ;)

And here's Smokey bein' even cuter. We were outside helping (watching?) Jordan and his mom do some cleaning up in the garage.

I guess I will go indulge my guilty pleasure that is Housewives of New Jersey. So ridiculous. It's like a train wreck, you can't help but stare! Ta Ta ღ

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