Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Be Still & Listen ღ

Today is day #2 of the 30 day photo challenge.. and that means today is take a picture of what I'm wearing! So, this is actually what I wore yesterday. But really, right now I'm wearing some blue soffe shorts with a leopard print top I wore to work, not cute.

Yesterday I went with Jordan's mom to a womens event at her church with a couple of her friends. It was western themed, and the perfect reason to bust out my cowboy boots. If there's ever an excuse to wear those babys, I'm there. ;) It was really nice, and dinner was served. I ate two helpings of berry cobbler and did not look back. It was so good! The speaker really resonated with me while telling her story. Her family has been hit hard by the economy, so she did a lot of speaking on bouncing back and listening to God for what steps you should take when you have no idea where you're going. Hence where I got the name for this post, "Be Still & Listen." I should do more of that, I think everyone should.

My family has also been hit hard by the economy here in Oklahoma, and we lost our home that my dad built and raised our family in. We were and still are so heartbroken by it. I dream of one day having the money to buy that house back, fix it up, and let my dad live in it until it's his time. Sometimes, I drive by it (crreeeppy?) and think.. Man, what are those people doing in my house? I kind of imagine walking in, going to my room, just laying down in the middle of it and breathing this big sigh of relief.. I'm finally home. I realize that probably won't ever happen, but I guess it's some sort of coping mechanism just thinking about it. The one thing that makes me feel better, is that there is a little girl who lives there. I saw her one day, and she was riding her pink bicycle in the driveway. The same driveway where my dad taught me how to ride my own pink bicycle as a little girl. I hope that house gives it's new family the same kind of deep, unforgettable, loving memories as it did for us.

The speaker also talked about not blaming yourself for hardships, not harboring your failures on your own, but giving them to God and knowing that he's not finished yet. I really believe that. I can't wait to see where life takes me! Here's a picture of Pam (Jordan's mom) and I at the event.

I also won a cute, slightly dead, but still pretty potted flower arrangement that was from our table centerpiece. I set it out today to get some sun, so it's lookin' up a bit. It's currently sprucing up my kitchen!

Ok, surely that's enough of my ramblings for today. Love life 'til your heart stops! Xo

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